Would you like your RX Prescription in one of our reading glass frames?
Yes! It's a well kept secret in the optical industry that you can (in most cases) have your distance RX prescription put into your favorite pair of readers. This is usually a much cheaper option than buying a frame at your optical shop! All of our reading glasses are considered "optical quality" which means the reading lenses can be replaced with your prescription by a qualified optician. Most RX lenses, progressive, prescription sun, bifocals can be made and inserted in our reading glass frames. Here's what happens: Your local optical shop will pop out the reading lens and use that as a 'template' to cut the new RX lens and insert it for you. There are a couple of limitations however: Not all frames are suitable for all prescriptions, for example frames with a very small lens won’t accommodate a trifocal prescription. And rimless or semi-rimless frames (frames where the temples are attached directly to the lens) won't work. Your new RX must be able to fit where the readinglens is. Your local optician will let you know can tell if you if there are any specific size requirements for your unique prescription or if the frame you choose won't work. And, this is important, some large chains don't like to do this since they lose the profit on a custom pair.
Don't be afraid to use your local 'independent' optical store to have this done, by supplying your own frame you can save hundreds of dollars off of designer or branded frames they sell. And while some optical stores are not comfortable working on a frame that they did not sell you, if they tell you it can’t be done, you know better! Just try another store, vote with your $!
On any frame we sell that will hold a typical RX prescription, we have a "For Prescription” choice under the "Choose Frame Color and Strength:" option drop down menu. This allows us to send you the magnification that we have the most stock in. All our frames come with a reading lens in them – your optician will need to remove this to cut the exact replacement RX lens for you.
And as always, be prepared for the barrage of compliments you'll get about your cool new RX glasses