Feel free to phone us with any questions at all, toll free: 800-635-1941. Also helpful in finding a great shape for you, here's our FASHION FIT GUIDE that will point you to some great choices for you based on your head shape. We always try to combine the perfect reading glass form and function for you!
The Oval Face is longer than it is wide and has balanced features (think Halle Berry). Start gloating. You can wear almost any frame style without throwing your well-proportioned features out of whack. Just be sure to choose frames that are as wide as or wider than the broadest part of your face - narrower ones can make your mug look as if it goes on for miles. Try cat-eye shapes, wrap arounds, and frames with oversize square lenses.
the Triangle Face has a narrow forehead and prominent jaw (think Jennifer Anniston). Your goal here is simple: enhance your subtlest features and deflect attention from your prominent ones. Since you have an impressive jaw, shift focus upwards by wearing readers that have broader and/or more colorful upper halves, such as cat-eyes or aviator shapes..
The Square Face has a strong jawline and equally broad forehead. Like Sandra Bullock, your square jaw and brow make you look tough, trustworthy, and maybe just a little stubborn. Rectangular frames will exaggerate those qualities, which is fine if you happen to be a superhero or TV detective. To soften your image a balance your features, pick frames that are slight rounded at the edges.
The Diamond Face has high, dramatic cheekbones and a narrow brow and jawline (think Scarlett Johansson). Your to-die-form cheekbones make your face exotic, so you can choose to either compliment them with equally dramatic frames, or contrast them with a quiet rimless style. To ensure that frames fit right, smile wide when you're trying them on -- if the bottoms of the lenses make contact with your cheeks, you need a narrower pair.
the Round Face has soft curves with similar width and length. Good news: Because we tend to associate round faces with youth, you'll probably always look a good 5 years younger than you are. (Catherine Zeta-Jones is a round and she still looks 30). But to command respect, you might want to contrast those sweet cheeks with some sophisticated angles. Choose narrow frames with angular edges.
the Heart Face is broadest at the forehead and narrowest at the chin. Reese Witherspoon is a good example. With its delicate jaw, this face shape is the most feminine of all. Big, heavy glasses will obliterate your features, so don't even look at cat-eyes or wrap-arounds. Instead, opt for thin light metal or clear plastic frames that have broader bottom halves, or choose a translucent or rimless style.